What are the first signs of pregnancy?
Are you aware of the signs and early symptoms of pregnancy?
Know what to expect from nausea to fatigue. The classic signs and symptoms of pregnancy. These are some of the most frequent early signs and symptoms that can be seen in pregnancy:
Missed period.
You might be pregnant if you are in your childbearing year and it has been more than a week since you last had a normal menstrual cycle. If you have irregular menstrual cycles, this can be misleading.
A missed period is the most obvious sign of pregnancy and it’s what most women seek out to test. Not all missed or delayed periods can be attributed to pregnancy.
Women can also experience bleeding while pregnant. Ask your doctor about bleeding if you are pregnant. What is the normal range of bleeding? When is it considered an emergency?
You may miss your period for reasons other than pregnancy. It could be that you have gained or lost too much weight . Other possibilities include hormonal problems, fatigue or stress. Sometimes, women skip their periods after stopping taking birthcontrol pills. If your period is not due in time and you are concerned about pregnancy, it is worth getting a pregnancy test.
Tender, swollen breasts.
Your breasts might become sensitive and itchy early in pregnancy due to hormonal changes. As your body adjusts to hormonal changes, the discomfort will likely diminish over time.
Breast signs of pregnancy are also very early. After conception, hormone levels in a woman’s body rapidly change. Their breasts could become swollen or sore a few weeks later. They may also feel fuller, heavier, or tender to the touch. The areola (area around the nipples) may darken.
Also other factors can cause breast changes. But if the breast changes are an early sign of pregnancy, it may take several weeks for the body to adjust to the new hormone levels. Breast pain should subside once it does.
One of the most common pregnancy symptoms is nausea with or without vomiting.
Morning sickness can occur at any hour of the day or night and often starts one month after becoming pregnant. Some women experience nausea sooner than others, while some suffer from it never. Although it isn’t known what causes nausea in pregnancy, hormones during pregnancy are likely to play a part.
Urethrination has increased.
You may find that you are urinating more frequently than usual. Your body’s blood volume increases during pregnancy. This causes your kidneys and bladder to filter more fluid.
Pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue are also common in early stages. Early pregnancy can lead to high levels of progesterone, which may make you feel tired.
It is normal to feel tired during pregnancy. One week after conception, a woman may feel unusually tired.
Fatigue can be caused by pregnancy. It is important to get enough rest, and you can ease it by eating foods high in protein or iron.
Additional signs and symptoms of pregnancy
You might also experience other signs and symptoms during your first trimester of pregnancy, such as:
Early pregnancy hormones can cause extreme emotions and feelings of sadness. Also, mood swings are quite common especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Early pregnancy hormone changes can make you feel bloated similar to when you first start your menstrual cycle.
Spot light.
A small amount of light spotting can be a sign of pregnancy. It is also known as implantation hemorhage. This happens when the fertilized egg attaches with the lining of your uterus. It usually occurs between 10 and 14 days after conception. Implantation bleeding usually occurs during a menstrual period. It is not common for all women to experience it.
Cramping is one of the pregnancy symptoms.
Some women may experience mild uterine cramping during pregnancy. The cramps look similar to menstrual cramps, this is why so many women mistake them for their period. However, cramps are very mild.
hormonal changes can cause constipation because it slows down your digestive system. Higher levels of the hormone estrogen may cause you to become constipated during pregnancy. Your intestines will move food slower due to progesterone, this is why you need to drink lots of water and exercise. Consume plenty of high-fiber food to ease the problem.
One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy is food aversions.
Pregnancy can make you more sensitive to certain smells, and may cause your taste buds to change. These food cravings, like many other signs of pregnancy can be attributed to hormonal changes.
Congestion in the nasal.
The mucous membranes of your nose can become swollen, dry and bleed easily due to an increase in hormone levels or blood production. This could lead to a stuffy nose or runny nose.
Are those symptoms really signs that you are pregnant?
Many of these symptoms and signs aren’t specific to pregnancy. Some can be signs that you are getting sick, or that your period may soon begin. You can also be pregnant even if you don’t experience many of these symptoms. If you have missed a period or notice any of the symptoms above, it is a good idea to take a home pregnancy test. You should contact your health care provider if your home pregnancy test comes back positive. Prenatal care can be started as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed.