Why is my Period Late?
Why is my Period Late? This is the first question that comes to your mind when you worry about a late period? There are many other reasons for missed or late periods. There are many common causes, from hormonal imbalances to more serious medical conditions.
Reasons why your period is late
It’s completely normal for a woman to have her period irregularly at two points in her life: when she first starts and when Menopause begins. Your normal cycle may become irregular as your body transitions.
Women who aren’t yet in menopause have their periods every 28 days for most of the time. A healthy menstrual cycle may vary from every 21 days to every 35 days. A late period can add stress to your life. There are many reasons for a late period, such as an extreme exercice and diet, PCOS, stress and other reasons that we will ltalk about in this article, but in most cases pregnancy is the main reason for a missed period.
What Do You Mean By “Late Period”?
Some people have predictable periods. However, many others have some variation, don’t be alarmed if your period arrives a day late. Dr. Higgins explains that your menstrual cycle refers to the time between your first period and your next period. These cycles last on average between 24 and 38 days. This means that a 28-day period one month and a 26 day cycle the next month are probably not something to be concerned about. If:
- It has been more than 38 consecutive days since your last period.
- Normally, you’re very regular and your period is not more than three days late.
Things that can delay your period Missing periods are often the first sign that you’re pregnant, but there are other reasons. These are other factors that could delay your monthly flow.
Extreme Exercise And Diet
Regular exercise and a healthy diet can make a big difference in your health. If you do too much , your periods might be overdone.
Dr. Higgins states that athletes who work hard or don’t eat enough can stop having menstrual cycles. It’s your body’s way to tell you that it doesn’t have enough resources for a pregnancy. You’re experiencing secondary enorrhea when your periods stop because of weight loss, diet, exercise, or other factors. You have had periods before, but they are now stopped. If you are:
- Eat an extreme, calorie-restricted diet.
- An eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia or other forms of anorexia.
- You can lose a lot of weight quickly.
- Do hardcore exercises, such as a marathon.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
PCOS refers to a hormonal imbalance that prevents the release of eggs (ovulation). If you don’t ovulate you will usually not have a period. People with PCOS often have missing, irregular or late periods. PCOS can also manifest as:
- Acne.
- Excessive facial hair or body hair.
- Thin hair.
- Gaining or losing weight?
PCOS is diagnosed by doctors who examine your symptoms and perform medical tests if necessary. Symptoms can be managed with medication and lifestyle changes.
Stress Can Cause Your Period to Be Late
It is not only a drain on your mind, but can also cause mental problems. It can also cause physical symptoms such as irregular periods. Dr. Higgins states that “minor, daily stress” won’t usually affect your period. But, big-time stressors can disrupt your body’s delicate hormonal balance and cause your period to be late. Here are some examples of major stress:
- Death of a loved-one
- Exams for high school and college.
- Loss of employment.
- Major life events such as a marriage.
Hormonal contraceptives
Progestin, or a combination thereof, is hormone birth control. These hormones prevent pregnancy and stop ovulation. These hormones are hormonal contraceptives.
- Oral contraceptive (“the Pill”): These are the pills you take every single day.
- The Birth Control Patch: This is a sticker you apply to your skin each week.
- Vaginal Ring: You place this ring-shaped device inside your vagina, and you change it once per month.
- Injectable contraceptive This is the shot that your doctor gives every three months.
- Hormonal Implant: This tiny rod-shaped implant is placed under your skin in the upper arm by a doctor.
- The Hormonal intrauterine devices (IUDs) are T-shaped devices that your doctor places in your uterus.
Withdrawal bleeding is a condition caused by hormonal birth control. This “period” will occur after your hormone-free week without the pill, ring, or patch. If you continue to take the contraceptive during the hormone-free week without any changes, you may experience light spotting.
Dr. Higgins states that it is okay to miss your period if hormonal contraceptives are being used continuously. To be certain it is safe, consult your doctor before you try it.
Thyroid conditions
The base of your neck is home to the thyroid gland, a small gland that resembles a butterfly. It’s one of many hormonal mechanisms that determine your periods. You might experience a late period if your thyroid is hyperactive (hypothyroidism), or it is underactive (hyperthyroidism).
Rarely, a young woman will experience a 28-day period every month after they start menstruating. It usually takes several years for things settle down. That’s because preteens and teens have an immature hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis. Dr. Higgins explains that the HPO axis regulates your menstrual cycles and ovulation. It takes several years for the HPO to mature and regulate your periods. Your period should normalize and become predictable in your 20s and 30s.
The transition from your reproductive years to menopause is called perimenopause. It can take a few years to complete this transition. Your cycle may change a lot during this period. You might have 25 days in one month, and 29 the next. Perimenopause begins at 40 to 50 years of age. Perimenopause is often accompanied by other symptoms such as:
- Hot flashes.
- Insomnia.
- Changes in mood
- Night sweats
- Dryness of the vaginal area
Do Not Ignore a Missed Period
You’ll be able to identify when something is wrong if you keep track in your calendar, or use an app specifically designed for this purpose. You and your doctor can benefit from your period records. Dr. Higgins states that doctors want to know about previous periods in order to determine if there is an issue. While a few late periods are common, it is usually due to something minor. If you have irregular or late periods frequently, talk with your doctor to rule any other conditions.